Our Performance. Your Edge.

Deibel’s goal is to set a realistic time frame for project completion with unforeseen events factored in. Field work is completed within this time frame. Our “Complete Project” price is NEVER exceeded unless extra work is requested and approved by our client. We have developed a project scope for extra assurance that the client and Deibel are working toward the same deliverables. Deibel has been organized with versatility in mind. Servicing our industry requires that Survey Crews can be marshaled to the job site with short notice. Versatility with instrumentation and manpower allows Deibel Surveying to place one-man, two-men or three-men crews on the job quickly. Varying the size of the field crew to meet the task also increases availability. Deliverables may be delayed due to challenges that arise on…
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Is surveying art or science? What is your opinion?

Is surveying an art or a science? That is a question worthy of consideration, because our profession certainly has facets of both. Some elements of surveying are technology based, making it a science, and some are related to history, law, evidence and interpretation, making it an art. The tools we use in surveying undeniably have advanced in recent years, making it easier to measure very accurately. Has all of this exciting technology made us more about the science and less about the art of surveying? Certainly, the art of surveying is more than rendering a point cloud into an image; there is also evidence and interpretation, which are more art than science. There is a lot of discussion among educators about the need to promote STEM (science technology, engineering and…
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How to Determine Which Drone Data Processing Solution Fits Your Business Need

[caption id="attachment_415" align="aligncenter" width="1529"] Images courtesy of Aerotas[/caption] The concept of data being the new oil isn’t a new one, but it recently made waves in the drone space because so many professional have come to realize how much data can be gathered in a safe, reliable, and cost-effective manner. Surveyors in particular have come to understand that they can do more with less by using drones, but doing so is dependent on being able to efficiently process the data being gathered. After all, gathering all the necessary data might take a single drone flight, but processing that data to create actionable information is a much different endeavor. “Who should process your UAV mapping data?” is a question that many are asking, and the Aerotas team has put together a…
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